poi2012 rendezvous
posted @ 2013年3月26日 01:16
in poi
, 2885 阅读
基圈上的外向树求lca。。。先预处理所有的环长,以及外向树内的lca,对每个询问,在一棵树上就直接求,在一个环上就先到根,再判断从哪个方向走,如果不在一个环上输出-1 -1。。。
#include<cstdio> #include<cmath> #include<cstring> int can[500001]; int ansx=0,ansy=0,n,p=0,ss=0,m,sum=0; int d[500001],pos[500001],fa[500001]; int f[500001][20],root[500001]; int dis[500001],kind[500001],head[500001],next[1000001]; struct re{ int u,v; } a[1000001]; inline int max(int a,int b){return a>b? a:b;} inline int min(int a,int b){return a<b? a:b;} void getlca(int x,int y){ ansx=0; ansy=0; if (x==y) return; //printf("fu\n"); if (dis[x]>dis[y]){ int xx=dis[x]-dis[y]; ansx=xx; int k=int(log2(n)); while (k>=0){ if (xx>=(1<<k)){ x=f[x][k]; xx-=(1<<k); } k--; } }else{ int xx=dis[y]-dis[x]; ansy=xx; //printf("%d\n",xx); int k=int(log2(n)); while (k>=0){ if (xx>=(1<<k)){ y=f[y][k]; xx-=1<<k; } k--; } } //printf("f2\n"); if (x==y) return; //printf("ansx=%d ansy=%d\n",ansx,ansy); //printf("x\n"); int k=int(log2(n)); while (k>=0){ //printf("%d %d %d %d %d\n",k,ansx,ansy,f[x][k],f[y][k]); if (f[x][k]!=f[y][k]&&f[x][k]!=0&&f[y][k]!=0){ ansx+=1<<k; ansy+=1<<k; x=f[x][k]; y=f[y][k]; } k--; } ansx++; ansy++; } void get(int x,int y){ if (root[x]==root[y]){ //printf("e\n"); getlca(x,y); return; } if (kind[root[x]]!=kind[root[y]]) return; ansx=dis[x]; ansy=dis[y]; x=root[x]; y=root[y]; int t=kind[x]; int len=d[t]; int lx=pos[y]-pos[x]; if (lx<0) lx+=len; int rx=pos[x]-pos[y]; if (rx<0) rx+=len; //printf("len=%d px=%d py=%d\n",len,pos[x],pos[y]); //printf("ax=%d ay=%d tx=%d ty=%d\n",ansx,ansy,lx,rx); if (max(lx+ansx,ansy)<max(ansx,rx+ansy)){ //printf("a1\n"); ansx+=lx; return; } if (max(lx+ansx,ansy)>max(ansx,rx+ansy)){ //printf("a2\n"); ansy+=rx; return; } //printf("f1 %d %d\n",ansx,rx+ansy); //printf("f2 %d %d\n",ansx+lx,ansy); if (min(lx+ansx,ansy)<min(ansx,rx+ansy)){ //printf("b1\n"); ansx+=lx; return; } if (min(lx+ansx,ansy)>min(ansx,rx+ansy)){ //printf("b2\n"); ansy+=rx; return; } //printf("s\n"); ansx+=lx; } void done(int i){ root[i]=i; kind[i]=++ss; d[ss]++; pos[i]=++p; int j=fa[i]; while (j!=i){ //printf("j=%d %d\n",j,i); root[j]=j; kind[j]=ss; d[ss]++; pos[j]=++p; j=fa[j]; } } void dfs(int i,int x){ can[i]=x; int k=fa[i]; if (can[k]==x){ done(k); return; } if (can[k]) return; can[k]=x; dfs(k,x); } void dfs2(int i){ can[i]=1; //printf("ii=%d\n",i); int x=int(log2(n)); f[i][0]=fa[i]; for (int j=1;j<=x;j++){ f[i][j]=f[f[i][j-1]][j-1]; } for (int j=head[i];j;j=next[j]){ int k=a[j].v; if (root[k]||can[k]) continue; root[k]=root[i]; dis[k]=dis[i]+1; dfs2(k); } } void build(int u,int v){ a[++sum].u=u; a[sum].v=v; next[sum]=head[u]; head[u]=sum; } int main(){ //freopen("ran3c.in","r",stdin); //freopen("ran.out","w",stdout); scanf("%d%d",&n,&m); int x,y; for (int i=1;i<=n;i++){ scanf("%d",&x); build(x,i); build(i,x); fa[i]=x; } for (int i=1;i<=n;i++){ if (!can[i]) dfs(i,i); //printf("%d\n",can[i]); } //printf("d\n"); memset(can,0,sizeof(can)); for (int i=1;i<=n;i++){ if (root[i]) dfs2(i); } //for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) printf("i=%d root=%d dis=%d pos=%d kind=%d\n",i,root[i],dis[i],pos[i],kind[i]); for (int i=1;i<=m;i++){ scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); ansx=-1; ansy=-1; get(x,y); printf("%d %d\n",ansx,ansy); } }
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